Kingswood of St. Charles, Illinois

Report a City Issue

Municipal issues can be reported to the City of St. Charles using their online Create a Service Request feature.

Examples of service requests you can make include: Street light malfunction, sidewalk or curb damage, public street issues, damage to mailbox from a snowplow, parkway tree problems, driveway apron repair, etc.

City Representation - Ward 2
Kingswood Homeowners Association is located is Ward 2 of St. Charles. For information on our Ward 2 Alderpersons, please click here.

Water/Sewer & Electric Utilities
Water, Sewer and Electric utilities are provided by the City of St. Charles. For more information or to setup an account, please click here.

Natural Gas Utility
Natural Gas utility is provided by Nicor. For more information or to setup an account, please click here.

Refuse/Recycling Service
Curbside Refuse & Recycling Collection is provided by Lakeshore Recycling Systems. For more information click here.​ Regular Pickup is on Mondays. ​

Holiday collection service will be provided one day later than the normal schedule on the holidays listed below:

New Year's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day​

Please be reminded that all garbage receptacles, bags and refuse bins have to be kept inside the garage and only be put curbside at accepted City of St. Charles collection times. On the days when garbage is collected, all containers shall be removed from the street and returned to the garages before nightfall on the same day.

Brush & Yard Waste Collection
Brush and Yard Waste collection is provided by Lakeshore Recycling Systems. For more information click here.

Internet, TV, Telephone Service Options
The following internet, TV and Telephone service options are available to our neighborhood:

​       Xfinity (Internet, TV, Telephone)
       Metronet (Internet, Telephone)
​       AT&T (Internet, TV, Telephone)​

* Please be reminded that no above ground communication, electric or television lines or cables shall be placed by any owner anywhere on a lot, other than within dwellings. No television or radio antenna, earth station dish, pole with rods or other device used in connection with the reception or transmission of any television, radio or any other electrical signal shall be erected or maintained on the exterior of any dwelling or on any part of a lot other than a satellite dish in the rear yard up to twenty (20) inches in diameter screened from view, wherever located, by an appropriate fence or plantings. Plantings must be of sufficient size to block view at time of planting.

City of St. Charles Resources